This is a celebration of life and our rainbow of colors. I will be walking with SURJ (Stand Up For Racial Justice) a national multi-ethnic group which has a newly formed chapter here in Ventura County. I was born with the benefits of white privilege but didn't identify it as such, didn't understand what it was or how other people of color experience life here in the US. I was in Detroit in 1963 when area churches introduced group therapy to white suburban kids and black urban kids after the riots. Wow I had no idea of the bigotry between people of different shades and colors of skin. I began to see the issues but it has taken years to see why I MUST Stand Up For Racial Justice. So my ancestors experienced bigotry and annihilation in other lands, for other reasons than skin color. Much like Israelis, Muslims, Palestinians, Mexican's today. Our hair, noses, the way we greet God...we have as many ways to separate ourselves as we have ways to appreciate each love each other. so, I am continuously growing and learning what compassion and empathy mean. I do believe in this great American experiment where we are a melting pot of people, I do share Martin Luther Kings dream that we live in harmony with dignity and respect for each other... and I am in deep gratitude that indigenous people have given up much so our children could also call this land "home". Yet I am so sorry that history was written with so much blood. I would change history if I could. Perhaps the Universe Father God, Mother Earth chose this place because of their beauty, open hearts and grace.If you have actually read all of this please accept my gratitude and lets walk together with the grace of the people who allow our children to walk the land of their ancestors