Wednesday, December 27, 2017

This short video "Paper Dolls Art Exhibit" was shot and edited by my thoughtful friend Mu at the WAV during a November 2017 gallery opening with Sarah Jenks Flesher Jeannemarie St.Germain and myself. Thanks Mu! Special thanks also to Saint Pierre, Geoff Dates and Jack who were on camera (as well as off camera: the Flesher's, Barbara MurrayHeather Erickson, Babbette and Bob, Donna Ingram, Frances Spencer, Jan Dietrick and Ron Whitehurst for playing music and singing) with my fiddle.
While JeanneMarie StGermain created the Beatrice Wood and Mother Theresa portraits in watercolor, most of the other watercolors shown in this video were by Michelle Nosco. The paper dolls and blue girl sculpture were created by SarahJF.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

The ocean still roars as the Santa Anna’s blow. Ventura lives between the devil and the deep blue sea and today the winds are calming.  I feel like we have been in a Greek tradgedy staged between two horrific Gods.  The fires kindly went around many major populated areas but took many hillside homes as a sacrificial lamb.  Back to normal takes on a new shape.  A new normal.  The old normal will never be back.  
Yes I am heartened that neighbors, family and friends hold fast together as the bow of our ship tosses and turns.  16 days til Christmas and holiday cheer is anti-climactic compared to sky-cam live over the Thomas fire.  We are glued to updates on the weather.  Will it... can it double back.  Do the embers glow bright enough to rekindle flames while snuffing out lives?  Hollow shells walk around like ghosts..  Lives stolen by fire leaving only embers where a history has been.
The glory of time is that no matter how hard the tradgedy not one minute can be stolen nor replaced.   Memories don’t live in things, they live in our hearts, minds and the arms of our loved ones.  Glory to God that we still have each other.  And I am a lucky one surrounded by embers with my home in tact.