Saturday, July 31, 2010

An Invitation:

How can we show enough appreciation to volunteers?
Yesterday Buzz and Madonna came into town. Between the newsletter organization from Madonna, Buzz and Roger carrying huge tables out to the porch and boxes to storage this place is starting to really hop! Roy put up the picket fence and more, Don donated a tarp for the tent. You are angels. Thank you.
The opinion poll says we are on the right track with our re-organization of the shop. A larger area has been given to making artwork right in the middle of the first gallery room (have you been there yet?). Our window dressing will be oriented towards display of large artwork visible to passersby. This is an invitation for YOU to come on in and enjoy the view!
More classes and nature club activites will be held at HQ. Gearing up for September takes a good solid month and change in days.
The newsletter is almost ready to send out (soon) and articles for the next issue are being written. This is progress.
Thank you all, love,

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