Sunday, December 27, 2015

May this season of introspection bring 
Joy surpassing understanding.
Love beyond conditions and 
Peace on Earth born within our hearts.
Let this be the true Earth Spirit of all creatures great and small.
Thank you so much for helping Arts For Earth Foundation bring a show of Earth Spirit to Southern California.  We greatly appreciate your participation.

          Visual art, music, poetry, dance and volunteer efforts gave heart to over 1000 visitors during our 3 week exhibit, concert and Eco festival at the WAV of Ventura in October of 2015.
         Arts For Earth Foundation (AFEF) is spreading its wings.  We want to hear about the sustainable aspects of life that mean the most to you.  Are you a foodie and would a local food co-op aid you in preparing healthy meals?  Are you a sun worshiper eager for solar power to replace toxic fracking and fossil fuels?  Are you ready to roll up your sleeves to work an organic community garden, donating half of your produce to the local food pantry?  Or, do you simply want to share your gift as an artist with other Earth lovers and tree huggers?
        In the spirit of the arts, thanks for helping us “re-frame” or “present” sustainable living to our families and community.  This new perspective knits our hearts together as the arts connect us.  Your creations could be an integral part of a thriving ecosystem.  This use of the arts goes back to pre-history and cave painting. First, your inspired energy transforms “charcoal” into inspiration for others. Your creations help us to care and rekindle our community spirit, identifying meaning and purpose. Our vast living, breathing, beautiful blue Earth gives so much to us, thank you for putting your arts to good use, and giving back to her.
          Please, help us grow by participating with Arts For Earth Foundation.  Share your artistic perspective on the daily environmental issues that keep us healthy, happy, loving and connected. Check out our newsletter, blog and calendar to see how you can get involved.  For starters sign up for the newsletter or even become a member and tell us who you are.
Michelle, Barbara, Judd, Mark
175 S.Ventura Ave. #215
Ventura, CA. 93001

Friday, October 23, 2015

Arts For Earth Foundation 1ST ROUND Silent Auction 2015

please share:

These are the paintings donated for the 1st round of our 2015 silent auctrion.
Arts for Earth Foundation is a non-profit dedicated to encouraging and supporting sustainable living through visual, performance and literary arts. These artworks were generously donated to our cause by the artists. Will you bid generously on their silent auction donations and make them count for the good things our cause can accomplish? Healthy lives matter and your donations make it all happen. Phase one, shown in this slideshow, will close October 25th so please bid generously through messages or contact to see which artworks will be available in phase 2 ending in time for holiday gift giving December 10th. include your name, bid, email and snail mail with your message.

Monday, September 28, 2015

October Weekends: Earth Spirit Exhibit, Concert and Eco-events at the WAV Ventura CA!

The Arts For Earth Foundation’s “Earth Spirit” Exhibit, Concert and Eco-groups overview: October weekend Eco-Art events at the WAV Gallery, Ventura!  
We now know there will be 71 artists from all over the country, exhibiting 150 breathtaking interpretations of Earth Spirit with poets, music (concert on Oct.10th) and performance art supporting our mutual cause to turn global warming around while using sustainable, non-toxic, healthy, life practices. Curated by Anna Bermudez. Juried by Anna Bermudez, Denise Sindelar, Tracey Hudak, Dulce Stein, Yessica Torres, Nancy Pham
       ARTS FOR EARTH FOUNDATION: EARTH SPIRIT ART EXHIBIT & CONCERT - networks fine arts, eco-activities and entertainment with arts activities for kids, families, singles and seniors. Oct. 2-25 weekends, noon to 6 pm, at the WAV Gallery, 175 S. Ventura Ave.
Ventura 93001. All are free events except Earth Spirit Concert $20 tax deductible non-profit donation  (Sat. Oct 10th, 6-10 pm, music starts 6:30 pm) with Jade Hendrix/Alas Latinas/Francisco Leon/Roy Katnic of 9 Mile Skid. Arts For Earth partners include Sierra Club, CA Native Plant Society Channel Islands, Ventura County Climate Hub, Food & Water Watch, Ventura Food Co-op, Step-Up Ventura, Ventura Organic Garden Co-op, Maritime Museum Channel Islands, Surf Rider, Ojai Grandmothers Council, Turtle Women Rising, and Ventura Poets.
        This is a landmark month long series of weekend events that generate compassion for the Earth and it’s inhabitants (animals, plants, minerals).  Visitors to the WAV Gallery become engaged, inspired and motivated when experiencing this collaboration between the arts and a variety of eco groups promoting our missions of encouraging sustainable living practices!
        Yaaaay it's happening!  Our hope is that the arts will evoke compassion  while Eco-groups teach us ways to act responsibly and participate as PART of the Earths great eco-system… to identify with it as we would our own immediate families. 
        The Arts For Earth Foundation invites Eco-groups to collaborate based on their ability to offer specific engaging activities.  This event was created to encourage active participation in environmentally sound practices.  We are generating a place and time for arts, eco-groups and area residents to interact with each other in collaboration with compassion.  We provide the “eco-edu-tainment”.
        Arts For Earth Foundation events are artsy and environmentally sound. 
Thanks for joining in with us.  To donate, volunteer or become a member:   or write:

Love and blessings,
Michelle Nosco, pres.AFEF
Mark Tovar, vice pres. AFEF
Barbara Murray, treasurer, AFEF
Judd Kennedy, secretary, AFEF

 Schedule of Events with Art Exhibit at the WAV:
Oct.2: Preview of Exhibit & Silent Auction on First Friday 6-9pm
Oct.3: Exhibit Opening and Awards Ceremony Saturday, 6-10pm
Oct.4: Sierra Club Ventura, CA Native Plant Society Channel Islands Sunday, Noon-6pm
Oct.10: Concert Saturday, 6-10pm featuring: Jade Hendrix, Alas Latinas, Roy Katnic/Mark Searcy, Francisco Leon    Silent Auction continues
Oct.11: Ventura County Climate Hub Sunday, Noon-6pm
Oct.16: Ventura Food Co-op Friday, 6-9pm
Oct.17: Step-Up Ventura, Robert Taylor, Ventura Community Organic Garden Coop Saturday, Noon-6
Oct.18: Channel Island Maritime Museum, SurfRider Sunday, Noon-6
Oct. 24: Ojai Grandmothers Council, Turtle Women Rising drum circle Saturday, Noon-6
Oct. 25: Arts & Environmentalists art workshop and Q&A Panel, Silent Auction plus closing ceremony and meditation to take us into the future in the true Earth Spirit!

Participating Artists:
1.    Patricia Anders
2.    Dianne Bennett
3.    Maria Bjorkahl
4.    Gabriel Broady
5.    Elaine Bryant
6.    Maxine Cameron
7.    Cody Cammbell
8.    Julieanne Case
9.    Joanne Chase-Mattillo
10. Ruane Condron
11. L Daniels
12. L. Aviva Diamond
13. Stacy Elko
14. James Ellison
15. Mark Farrell
16. Michele Foster
17. Kristen Gautier-Downes
18. John Golson
19. David Gordon
20. Shelly Gould
21. James Graca
22. Vonder Gray
23. Brent Hanson
24. Raymond Harris
25. Gloria Huet
26. Kay Hughes
27. Barbara Hynes
28. Cynthia James
29. SarahJenks Flesher
30. Megan Johnson
31. Judd Kennedy
32. Mary-Gail King
33. Mis Kyrene
34. Olga Lebedeva
35. Stephen Linsteadt
36. Yvette Lodge
37. Linda Loughheed
38. Kirk  Mann
39. Tristan Marie
40. Laura McHugh
41. Evelyn McLean
42. Lori McPherson
43. Andrea-Vargas Mendoza
44. Mary-Jo Murphy
45. Ezra Murrieta
46. Debbie Navarro
47. Meredith Newcom
48. Michelle Nosco
49. Jillian Nye
50. Erin O'Brien
51. Lynn Okun
52. Sigrid  Orlet
53. James Petrucci
54. Sinan Revell
55. Eunika Rogers
56. Darlene Roker
57. Mariana Royuela
58. Maggie Shea
59. Frances Spencer
60. Larissa Straus
61. Mark Tovar                                                                                                             62. Annette Wagner                                                                                                          63. Jerad Walker
64. Cat N Todd Wiggins
65. William Winbush
66. Parker Wittenberg
67. Marion Wood
68. Greg Zaney
69. Kathryn Zaney
70. Jana Zimmer
71. Gerald Zwers

Participating Musicians, Poets, Performance Artists:
  1.  Jade Hendrix
  2. Roy Katnic and Hippie Mark
  3. Alas Latinas
  4. Francisco Leon
  5.  Dan Flowers
  6. Robert Taylor
  7. Redwing
  8. Miyuki
  9. St.Pierre
  10. Chalee
  11.  Friday Gretchen Lubina
  12. Fernando Albert Salinas

Participating Eco-Groups:
  1. Sierra Club Ventura County
  2. CA Native Plant Society Channel Islands 
  3. Ventura County Climate Hub 
  4. Food & Water Watch 
  5.   Ventura Food Co-op
  6. Step-Up Ventura
  7. Ventura Organic Garden Co-op
  8. Maritime Museum Channel Islands 
  9. WholeEarth Builders
  10. Ojai Grandmothers Council 
  11. Turtle Women Rising 
  12.  Ventura Poets