Friday, April 8, 2016

Introduces YOU to local non-profits working to improve life in Ventura.  Learn about local efforts to clean up the air, energy, water….. thru the arts!
This Sunday….. you are invited to attend….
Citizens' Climate Lobby  potluck/meeting
When: April 10th ,  4:30pm
 Where:  SUNDAY at Rincon-Vitova Insectaries.  
April is one of our most active months
environmental activities are happening throughout the month in Ventura County:
 This Sunday we will avoid climate melancholy! Instead we'll break bread (or eat fruits and vegetables) together and appreciate the work of high-energy spirit runner and local artist/activist Jackie Fawn.  Learn more about our plans and RSVP so I can plan how many will break bread with us...

VOTE for Jackie Fawn's entry in the
Greenpeace Save the Arctic Poster Contest:
Help Jackie win a trip to the Arctic on the Greenpeace ship
by voting for her awesome poster and sharing it with friends.

CCL Agenda: -4:30 View Jackie Fawn art exhibit Greenpeace entry and potluck
-It is not an accident that while Greenpeace aims to save the arctic, Dr. James Hansen's paper comes out describing the ice melting much faster than predicted in the IPCC reports.
-At 6:30 we will view the 15 minute video from climate scientist Jim Hansen about arctic ice melt and sea level rise.
-Decide who will write our Earth Day OpEd and help table at the Ojai Earth Day and other April outreach.
Citizens' Climate Lobby Ventura Chapter 805-746-53654
next Thursday:
April 14, 7pm-8:30
Unitarian Universalist Church Ventura
Event Announcement:
Ventura iMatterYouth
 WHAT:  Climate Hub Monthly Meeting
WHO:   iMatterYouth will introduce their new campaign followed by Arthur Valenzuela sharing climate-related bills in Sacramento.  City of Ventura will receive its CLIMATE REPORT CARD from iMatterYouth
 WHEN:  Thursday, April 14, 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
 WHERE:  Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura, Fellowship Hall, 5654 Ralston, Ventura, CA 93001.
 WHY:  A group of Ventura iMatterYouth will introduce their project. It is part of a recently launched national campaign to give report cards to cities on public awareness about climate change and what cities are doing about it. Youth aged ten to 15 years old can learn more at

Also on the Climate Hub agenda:
-Community Choice Energy (CCE) developments for speeding up local access to renewable energy will be among brief updates during the Climate Hub meeting Wed.eve April 14th
-Guest speaker Arthur Valenzuela representing Assembly member Das Williams will describe current bills in Sacramento that address risks from the oil and gas industry and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
No charge, all are welcome.

CONTACT:  Jan Dietrick 805-746-5365

Earth Day is Friday, April 22nd

Lead the WAY!
The movement continues.

We are now entering the 46th yearThe Earth Day movement continues to inspire, challenge ideas, ignite passion, and motivate people to action.

In 1970, the year of our first Earth Day, the movement gave voice to:
1.emerging consciousness, getting ready to transform:
2.emerging actions:  focusing energy on environmental issues. Earth Day is more than a festival day, it leads the way to a new way of life.    New habits will sustain life well into the future!      
3. celebrate actions to help our planet Earth:
Lead with groundbreaking ideas & by example.
The time is now. Earth Day 2016 - Countdown 2020
This  Earth Day Call-in to Congress: April 21 & 22, 2016
Let’s celebrate Earth Day 2016 by calling our members of Congress, encouraging them to work on legislation that addresses climate change.  A survey of staff on Capitol Hill by the Congressional Management Foundation found that 86 percent said phone calls to their offices carry some or a lot of influence on issues. We’ve designated April 21 for the call-in day: US Sign Paris Climate Agreement

And so it continues. Today.
Right here & right now.
Earth Day:
more than a single day —
April 22, 2016
It’s bigger than attending a rally and taking a stand.

This Earth Day and beyond, let’s :
1.           Let’s plant 7.8 billion trees for the Earth.
2.           Let’s divest city fossil fuels to 100% renewable.
3.           Let’s take the momentum from the Paris Climate Summit and build on it.
Let’s start now. And let’s not stop.
Join the movement. Take action.
With over two billion actions to date, Earth Day Network’s A Billion Acts of Green – the largest environmental service campaign in the world – is steadily building commitments by individuals, organizations, businesses and governments to protect the planet.

Now, we’re carrying that momentum forward to reach the next billion.

This year, after your event, record your actions at:

Here's the TCM Pledge
The Climate Mobilization
a local Ventura collective of concerned citizens

·                  Immediately commence a social and economic mobilization to restore a climate that is safe, stable, and supportive of human civilization. This heroic campaign shall be carried out on the scale of the American World War II home front mobilization, and will require hard work and shared sacrifice from all Americans.
·                  Reduce our country’s net greenhouse gas emissions 100 percent by 2025 and implement far-reaching measures to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.
·                  Enlist tens of millions of Americans in efforts to rapidly expand our carbon-neutral energy and agricultural systems, conduct groundbreaking research, and implement large-scale adaptation measures. As in WWII, full employment will be achieved.
·                  Conduct this mobilization in accordance with the Constitution and ensure that the essential needs of the civilian economy are met during this time of transition.
·                  Establish the following imperatives as our nation’s top foreign policy priorities: A 100 percent reduction of global net greenhouse gas emissions at wartime speed, and the deployment of comprehensive measures that remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere until a safe climate is restored.
·                  I will enlist Americans from all walks of life in this campaign. If sitting politicians fail to mobilize, we will elect leaders with the courage and foresight to enact these demands.


·                  Vote for candidates — on every electoral level — who have signed the Pledge to Mobilize over those who have not.
·                  Devote time, money, or both to elected officials and candidates who have signed the Pledge.
·                  Mobilize my skills, resources, and networks to spread the truth of climate change and the hope of this movement to others. When I spread the Pledge to Mobilize, I will do so with respect, truth, focus and courage.
·                  Thus I pledge to mobilize, in defense of civilization and the natural world.

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